Sunél's Blog | Why we should lose focus

Sunél Veldtman, | 12 July 2024

Many readers are curious about my periods of silence when I don’t blog. Sometimes, I am on leave, and I cherish the time away from my laptop and screens. However, I am not always away, and I don’t always take leave. Every few months, my ideas tank runs dry, making it more difficult to put together the weekly blog.

When this happens, I know I need time away to refuel. Oddly enough, the new energy does not come from studying a pile of new material. New inspiration often comes on hikes in the mountains or while I’m painting. Recurring patterns in random conversations may pique my interest. I listen to podcasts or read on subjects ranging from health, brain development, religion, sports, fashion, and yes, some financial stuff too.

It is this eclectic mix of material, combined with unfocused time, that sparks new ideas. Coincidentally, I recently found new material on brain science explaining how this works. For creative ideas to permeate, the brain needs to switch to an unfocused mode, during which loose connections are tied together in novel ways.

Unfocused mode is different from distraction. Distraction is what happens when technology or our work environment keeps us from deep focus. Unfocused mode is an alert but relaxed state while we’re doing repetitive tasks like mowing a lawn, knitting, or cooking. I believe hiking, surfing, or cycling can have the same effect on the brain.

Many people in modern society no longer spend much time in this unfocused mode. It’s not just necessary for creative people; it’s necessary for productivity. The brain cannot spend all its time between focus and distraction – it needs the unfocused mode to replenish energy and sort through information. It also needs sleep.

Most of life’s important and complex decisions need focused and unfocused brain time. You need focused energy to gather and process the necessary information. However, you also need time to dwell on your decision while your brain sifts through all the components – how it fits with your values or your vision for your life, and its impact on your relationships, money, or future.

In my own life, important answers have regularly come to me while walking or gardening. Once, a profound insight into a complex situation occurred to me on a long but beautiful solo road trip.

If you’re pondering a decision or simply feel uninspired, perhaps return to what has worked for you in the past. Or take a bold step by taking a few days or even months off. Go on a pilgrimage. Even just bake a cake.

However, we also need these times regularly, even daily. Insert slivers of unfocused time every day while making tea or taking the dog for a walk. Dust off your guitar, buy a colouring book or pick up that knitting project.

I have come back from my break inspired and brimming with ideas and energy. I hope you feel encouraged too, to spend time unfocused.

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